:prime – Preparation Studies and International Mentoring

Well-founded and competent study preparation

Preparation studies for Bremen and Bremerhaven

:prime – Preparation Studies and International Mentoring is a foundation programme designed by the Academy for Higher Education Access Development Bremen - HERE AHEAD. This programme offers a sophisticated foundation course for prospective students who are entitled to attend a "Studienkolleg" (preparatory college). With a :prime qualification you can start a degree course at three state-run universities in Bremen and Bremerhaven.
Discover what the higher education landscape in Bremen has to offer you.

:prime yourself for university

You want to go to university in Germany and are looking for an alternative to a "Studienkolleg" preparatory college? You are interested in a subject in the fields of science, engineering, economics, humanity and arts, cultural sciences or social sciences?


Then our :prime foundation course is perfect for you!
:prime includes:

  • Intensive preparation for the entrance examination
  • Language courses up to level C1 – if not yet taken
  • Courses in your future field of study
  • Introduction to the basics of your field of study
  • Seminars on study techniques and intercultural training
  • Student status including student ID card and season ticket for public transport (Semesterticket)


Please hand in one of the following language certificates:



TestDaF TDN 3/4/5


Goethe B1/Goethe B2/Goethe C1

Assessment Test (Studienkolleg) pass (B2 und C1)


Important for :prime B1: Our language courses start with B1+.2. If the placement test (conducted by our language school) shows a level below this level, the participants have to pay the language courses up to this level in full costs. Furthermore, the university exam might have to be postponed and the duration of the foundation program may be extended.


Application deadlines

Please find all application deadlines and requirements on our website "application".

Requirements and costs


  • Language level B1 or C1
  • TestAS passed with at least 190 points (paper-based test) or 150 points (digital test)
  • Your school leaving certificate enables you to visit a Studienkolleg via a so called "Vorprüfungsdokumentation" (VPD) by uni assist e.V.
    The VPD names the academic discipline(s) from which you can choose your future study program.

Your costs for the entire programme:

B1 track

  • Course fee in total: 2,200 Euro including fee for "Zugangsprüfung" (3,500 Euro for intake September 2025 = application deadline May 31, 2025)
  • Examination and semester fees totalling approx. 1,000 euros, incl. public transport semester ticket and student ID card for one year.
  • Cost of living and insurance: approx. 850 euros/month.

C1 track

  • Handling fee: 100 Euro one-time
  • Semester contribution 380 euros, incl. public transport semester ticket and student ID card for one semester
  • Cost of living and insurance: approx. 850 euros/month.


The universities of Bremen and Bremerhaven do not charge tuition fees for the :prime courses! You only pay a contribution each semester.


If you're not sure wether your school leaving certificate enables you to visit a Studienkolleg, please check on the website of uni assist e. V.


How to apply for a VPD via uni assist e. V.


At home in the state of Bremen

Our universities

Three state universities offering modern degree courses specially tailored to :prime graduates.

Each of our three universities has its own profile and specialisations. It's worth taking a closer look to make your decision easier:

Our Cooperation

A good programme needs strong partners.

Our Bremen

The people of Bremen like to laugh, they eat curious things like Grünkohl und Pinkel (recipe for Kale with Kaszanka in German only) and they love their football club Werder Bremen!


But there is much more to Bremen and Bremerhaven:

  • Bremen and Bremerhaven are safe, cosmopolitan cities with great traditions
  • Our internationally oriented universities are highly regarded around the world.
  • Our scientists work on pioneering technologies.
  • Our universities have close working relationship with industry and business
  • Culinare delights from Bremen can be found everywhere: coffee, chocolate, fish fingers and beer are enjoyed daily all over the world.

Great reasons to start a degree in Bremen!
